Exciting news!
Our online school now offers all our courses in English and Portuguese. Register today!
Notícia emocionante!
Nossa escola online agora oferece todos os nossos cursos em inglês e português. Registre-se hoje!
Welcome to Education and Training Unit for
Democracy and Development
ETU provides training in English and Portuguese to support development and democracy in Southern Africa. We aim to help bring about greater equality, social justice and access to rights and information. We target community and civil society organisations, political parties represented in government, and public servants. Our mission is to equip them with tools to make a difference in the lives of people who need employment, development and decent communities.

Training and Development
Our training is in support of development and democracy in South Africa and Southern Africa.

Resource Centre
We have hundreds of manuals and resource documents in our resource collections.

Target Market
We target organisations of marginalised people, political parties represented in government, and public servants.

How does the online school work?
Online courses are free in English and Portuguese, but for those with poor internet an offline downloadable version is made available.
- Course modules take about 6 hours and can be done offline or online.
- You can do the course as an individual or in a study group.
- Certificates are available for those who pass the online tests - offline students have to register and pass the online test to get a certificate.
- Sectoral training paid courses will be added in future.
- Courses developed for specific programmes are closed.
- Course are offered in English and Portuguese.
Our online school offers free courses in English and Portuguese. Courses cover the following topics:

Sustainable development
The Sustainable Development course consists of five modules. We will look a sustainable development in an unequal world and the effects of climate change on our biodiversity. We will also cover topics such as water management, food security and access to greener energy and transport. Lastly, we will look at the effects of urbanisation on the sustainable development goals.

Desenvolvimento Sustentável
O curso consiste em cinco módulos e é feito de apresentações com gráficos, vídeos, perguntas para debates, leitura extra, e testes. Tu irás necessitar completar cada módulo antes de ires para o próximo. Também cobriremos temas como gestão da água, segurança alimentar e acesso a energia e transportes mais ecológicos. Por último, examinaremos os efeitos da urbanização nos objectivos de desenvolvimento sustentável.

Economic development
Inclusive economic development
This course teaches basic economics and targets progressive activists, policy-makers and politicians who have not studied economics. It focuses on understanding economic terms, broad theories, economic history, inequality and global relations, trade, globalisation and possibilities for inclusive and more equal economic development.

Desenvolvimento económico
Desenvolvimento económico inclusivo
Este curso ensina economia básica e tem como alvo activistas progressistas, formuladores politicos e politicos que não estudaram economia. O curso foca-se em compreender termos económicos, teorias amplas, história económica, desigualdade e relações globais, comérçio, globalização e possibilidades mais desenvolvimento económico igual e inclusivo.

Ideology and policy
This course will cover politics and the visions and ideas that drive different political ideologies. It will cover the role of political parties in a democracy and the political differences between them. We will cover the classic ideologies of conservatism, liberalism, social democracy and socialism. It will also deal with more modern schools of thought from the last 60 years.

Ideologia e política
Este curso ensina os princípios básicos da ideologia política e tem como alvo activistas progressistas, formuladores politicos e politicos que não estudaram ideologia política e filosofia. O curso foca-se na história das ideologias políticas e as diferenças entre as principais ideologias no mundo. O curso irá ajudar-te a compreender as diferentes posições ideológicas.